Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Insomnia...the worse form of horror

In Confessions of an English Opium Eater, De Quincey goes through the different stages of the effects of Opium. To me it sounded a lot like the arguments today for legalizing marijuana where you have the one side that claims that it's an abomination and that it should not be used for any reason. Then you have the other side which claims that it is a very beneficial herb that can be used to treat serious diseases and help people cope with the pain that these diseases bring. The position that De Quincey takes on opium is similar to this medicinal marijuana viewpoint. He downplays the pleasures that opium can bring by emphasizing the pain that it treats as well as the side effects that he experiences along the way. One of these side effects that he experiences when his body starts going into withdrawals from the drug is not being able to enjoy sleep and almost forcing him into becoming an insomniac. Now I'm not sure how many of you have ever gone long periods without sleep, but it truly can be a terrible thing. I was awake for 3 days straight once and it was the most terrible thing I have ever experienced. When you sleep, your brain is cleansing itself of toxins that it has become subject to throughout the day so when you don't sleep, your brain  is not able to go through this process. Add opium to the mix and you have yourself some pretty intense hallucinations going on, as De Quincey demonstrates. Anyways, the point I am trying to make is that De Quincey has been experiencing the highest form of terror which locks you in your own head and makes you a prisoner of your own imagination in both the conscious and unconscious states. Now I could go into a spiritual take on things, if some want to hear that than let me know and I will go into that but otherwise I will leave that alone for now.

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