Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The comforting lake

In The Lake Isle of Innisfree the author seems to believe his true peace comes from nature. The author seems to believe his happiness will come by living alone and having no worries or responsinilities. He describes his plans, and they sound so blan and boring, but none the less it is what the author desires. By living with the contributions made by mother nature results in a type of relaxation the author deeply desires. By using such imagery the author is able to paint a picture of relaxation also.

1 comment:

  1. I definitely agree that the poem is about a character who desires peace, imagining that he might find it on The Isle of Innisfree; however, I feel that this boring blandness that you refer to is without premise, considering that the character's perspective is that of a passionate desire for an escape from the bustling demands of his present life. In this case, it is actually this life he yearns to escape from which is barren and bland, in stark contrast to the natural serenity of life on Innisfree.
    I am actually sort of struggling to discern any criticisms beyond the surface level and quaint feelings generated by the poem's attention to alliteration and soft sounds.
